in my above post i meant " start relating as brother and sisters"
new hope and happiness
JoinedPosts by new hope and happiness
Islam's Psychotic Obsession With Hell
by cofty inevery word this man preaches is official muslim doctrine.. fear of hellfire is central to the life of every muslim.
it is axiomatic that every non-muslim, all kaffir like you and i will spend eternity in hell.. just like roman catholicism and evangelical christianity it is a cult of fear and of death.
unlike christian writers mo was not coy about describing the details of hellfire.. i have just finished reading two autobiographies by ayaan hirsi ali who is a muslim "apostate" and lives under a death threat.
Islam's Psychotic Obsession With Hell
by cofty inevery word this man preaches is official muslim doctrine.. fear of hellfire is central to the life of every muslim.
it is axiomatic that every non-muslim, all kaffir like you and i will spend eternity in hell.. just like roman catholicism and evangelical christianity it is a cult of fear and of death.
unlike christian writers mo was not coy about describing the details of hellfire.. i have just finished reading two autobiographies by ayaan hirsi ali who is a muslim "apostate" and lives under a death threat.
new hope and happiness
Let's not judge Islam by ones man obsession.
Did you know to be a muslim you have five religiouse duties?
Most Muslims i know dont know this.
Only crazy people think " if God wills" Armageddon is acceptable.
islam can only win, when educated people stop relating as " brothers and sisters"
The yell of " Allah" needs to be reasond in freindship.
Islam is not a religion, but it will govern the world, if with education we do not get individuals to recognise it for what it is.
Why are governments of non Islamic lands so afraid to deliver the message?
HOW A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS participated in one of the great art FRAUDS of the 20th century
by Terry in
"theres a sweet, small suburban house in the vineyards of napa, northern california.
new hope and happiness
"The spectators the leaders rather than the artists" well said Terry.
When the Tate Modern" opened in London, they had a great exhibition, it was a room that looked like it was still not finnished, and the work men were still working on that room"
I was their that day and loved the way eveyone passed that room, and missed the art, yet the funny thing was those same people loved Deshamps Urina" ( which is a object men go to pee in)
Now for me, that was Art.
But then Art shouldn't be about taking the " piss" out of people. Thats commercial " Art". Long live the " Tate Modern"
HOW A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS participated in one of the great art FRAUDS of the 20th century
by Terry in
"theres a sweet, small suburban house in the vineyards of napa, northern california.
new hope and happiness
Terry when i moved to Sweden i opened a little art gallery. I sold my paintings and people hang them on their wall.
Rent of the shop, tax,it wasn't so great.
But it was a wonderful thought those paintings were sold. ( i took photos of each picture i sold)
It's a big world and the world of commercialisam is small in comparrison.
HOW A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS participated in one of the great art FRAUDS of the 20th century
by Terry in
"theres a sweet, small suburban house in the vineyards of napa, northern california.
new hope and happiness
Terry let me have my sream.
Dont confuse art with business.
For every writer (and you are a writer) some sell millions and some support themselfs working in shops.
So what?
Art is a wonderful thing.
If business can create its artists,thats big business...long live art.
HOW A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS participated in one of the great art FRAUDS of the 20th century
by Terry in
"theres a sweet, small suburban house in the vineyards of napa, northern california.
new hope and happiness
Van Gogh painted on canvass, with an abundance of oil paints. (that takes money, ask any artist today)
He was appreciated in his time.
I am friends with an artist. He is Russian, and he is listed in a book of the 100 thousand most important people that ever lived.( even i dont know his name he is Van De Mia to me)
He lives in a humble flat in Linkoping.
i have another freind her name is " pablo pobloski" or something? i call her "pab". She lives in a flat and teaches art. I am not sure how much money she has. But her paintings sell for a lot.
My point is she lives in a little flat, and has her studio.
Dont confuse easy money and art.
new hope and happiness
When we say " I love you" to a person do we need law books to define the word?
Is romantic love not more commonly defined as i love your wealth, power, fame, intrige and seductionn?
new hope and happiness
Can we love those that irritate and annoy us.?
Do we love them when they irritate and annoy us, or hate them and love them again when the annoyance and hate subsides.
new hope and happiness
Or is Love just poetic and tragic? ( we all love Romeo and Juliet)
Would you convert to a religion for love?
by new hope and happiness ini am sure people convery to a religion to find peace and spiritual awakening.
i also bet many convert simply for love.
would you to assist " true love" if it required converting to a particular faith?.
new hope and happiness
Talisman, you ask which school of Buddisam i believe in. I dont.
We like to label to much.
As the Buddah said " test all things and if they dont agree with your reason dont believe it"
I do not believe in Karma nor reincarnation. But i believe in the 4 noble truths.
The first Nobel truth is life contains suffering. ( we all i think agree with that?)
The second Nobel truth is we suffer due to craving and wanting. ( a little more complicated but worth thinking about)
The third noble truth is suffering can be overcome and happiness found. ( we all strive for that)
The forth nobel truth is that people have the capacity to end suffering in their life, because WE create the suffering in our life. ( and that is even harder to accept, but if a person can do that they can be happy)
My simple explanation and understanding of the 4 noble truths.